FACT accreditation elevates your position as a quality organization, and informs patients, health insurance companies and governments that your organization is dedicated to excellence in patient care and laboratory practices.
There are a number of reasons why you should consider being a FACT accredited cellular therapy program, apheresis facility, processing laboratory, or cord blood bank. Here are just a few:
The accreditation process is designed to be supportive, consistent, and objective. Each applicant is assigned an Accreditation Coordinator in the FACT office who is dedicated to helping the applicant throughout the process. Accreditation is awarded after successful documentation of compliance with the current Standards. Compliance is determined by evaluation of written documents provided by the organization and by on-site inspection. On-site inspections are carried out by a team of inspectors who are qualified by training and experience.
For detailed information about the accreditation process including preparation, application, and on-site inspection, refer to the Accreditation Process Requirements.